Six projects of TV series, three projects of web series and two development executive participants are very close to conclude with our intense 9-month training within the TV Launch program.
Final workshop of TV Launch and the Season Finale Showcase

The third and final workshop, held within the framework of the Sarajevo FF and its market dedicated for TV drama content, CineLink Drama, will be focused on polishing their development strategies, presenting the projects and talents within the market, marketing and financing possibilities and crucial networking.
The workshop will conclude with Season Finale, a tailor-made project showcase open for industry professionals, followed by curated one-on-one meetings.
The best television series project will receive the HBO Europe Award of 5.000 USD, while the best web series project will receive the Marseille Web Fest (MWF) Award, granting the participation in a writing residence during MWF.
The presented projects are:
100 % fine crystal / Slovenia
writer Ana Trebse
Babyland / Bulgaria
writer Dianne Jones, writer Simona Nobile, producer/writer Martichka Bozhilova
Convictions / Slovakia, Czech Republic, USA
writer Barbora Namerova, writer/director Tereza Nvotova, producer Daniel Turcan, producer Max Benitz
The Border / Hungary
writer Judit Banhazi, writer Cyril Tysz
The Hitchhiker / Hungary
writer Marcell Patkai
Life Unexpected / Cyprus
writer Stelana Kliris, producer Tonia Mishiali
Paradise / Greece
writer Panos Iosifelis, producer Lambis Charalampidis
Playgirl / Slovakia, Serbia
writer Michaela Pnacekova, writer Marijana Verhoef
Willows / Czech Republic
writer Milada Tesitelova, director Jan Tesitel, producer Julie Zackova
The development executive participants of the TV Launch program, Zuzana Ferenczova / Slovakia and Martynas Mendelis / Lithuania, will also present themselves within the pitching session.
You are kindly invited to the rest of the open workshop program in Sarajevo as well.
TV Launch Masterclass with Hagai Levi
Hagai Levi, Israeli showrunner, producer, writer and director, Golden Globe winner and creator of such series hits as In Therapy, The Affair or BeTipul will share his experience with creating successful, world-wide traveling television series. Hagai will talk about the brand new series for HBO which opened just a few days ago, Our Boys.
When and where: August 22 / 10.00 – 11.30 / Atrium, Hotel Europe
Panel discussion: What´s out there for short content
What are the main differences between the web series and other forms of storytelling and what to keep in mind while creating your own web series? What is the current web series market situation? Which platforms can you use? What are the financing and selling opportunities? Join the discussion panel organized by MIDPOINT and learn more about the current trends in storytelling.
Panelists: Kirsten Loose, Michaela Sabo, Sullivan Le Postec
When and where: August 21 / 16.30 – 17.30 / Atrium, Hotel Europe
MIDPOINT TV Launch 2019 is realized with the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Czech Film Fund, the International Visegrad Fund and the Slovak Audiovisual Fund. It is presented in cooperation with the Finale Plzen Film Festival, the Sarajevo Film Festival – CineLink Industry Days, HBO Europe, Marseille Web Fest, Serial Eyes, C21 Media, Series Mania, CANNESERIES Institute, Art Department Masterclass, MIA TV Market, Industry @Tallin & Baltic Event, CHARACTER – Film Development Association and the Audiovisual Producers' Association. MIDPOINT operates under the auspices of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.
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