MIDPOINT Institute hosts case studies & lecture at Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event's TV Beats Forum.
MIDPOINT Institute case studies & lecture in Tallinn

Apart from the pitching event, presenting the TV Launch 2021 generation, we are proud to contribute again to the TV Beats Forum program. With our two programs held in Tallinn – namely the Smash Cut & TV Launch, the events are touching upon the issues of series development and production, including also the short-form series format.
Following lecture and case studies will be part of the industry program of the TV Beats Forum:
✺ Nov 18 / Thursday / 17:00 EET / in collaboration with MIDPOINT Smash Cut
Sullivan Le Postec: Web Series - An Exercise in Narrative Efficiency
The episodic length of web series has tended to grow in recent years. Still, most web episodes fall between 5 and 20+ minutes. Their core audience watches them mostly on phone and computer screens, sometimes on the go.
For those reasons, web series need to catch the attention of the audience quickly – there are always millions more YouTube videos waiting to be seen. Web series must deliver as much emotions, drama, comedy and thrills than TV episodes two or three times longer. They require an intense narrative efficiency: the shorter the set-up, the longer the engaging pay-off can be!
✺ Nov 20 / Saturday / 14:15 EET / in collaboration with MIDPOINT TV Launch
Nebojsa Taraba, Rose Hughes: Case Study: The Paper.
MIDPOINT TV Launch tutor and Croatian producer Nebojsa Taraba (Drugi Plan) and distributor Rose Hughes of Keshet International will speak about the international appeal and distribution possibilities of Eastern European shows and how the successful series "The Paper" became the first ever Balkan show to be distributed by Netflix. Moderator: Marike Muselaers.
✺ Nov 20 / Saturday / 16:00 EET / in collaboration with MIDPOINT TV Launch
Case Study: Fractures
Writers Kolbrun Anna Bjornsdottir and Vala Thorsdottir together with the director Eva Sigurdardottir, MIDPOINT TV Launch 2017 graduates, offer a unique insight into the development process of their TV Launch alumni project Fractures, which is to be released in 2021. Moderator: Katarina Tomkova.
The sessions will be available to industry guests with online accreditations as well. We are looking forward to seeing you online or on the spot in Tallinn!
Discover the whole TV Beats program here.
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