One of the main goals of all MIDPOINT programs is the continuous support for its projects.
MIDPOINT Editing Room is designed for alumni feature film projects in the rough-cut stage, which focuses both on additional dramaturgy consultations and supervision over the editing process as well.
MIDPOINT Editing Room 2020

Organizational information
Dates and venues
Workshop 1
February 10-15, 2020
Prague, Czech Republic
Workshop 2
May 11-15, 2020
Prague, Czech Republic
Who is it for?
teams of director and editor (presence of producer is voluntary)
Contact person
Sona Morgenthalova
Program Coordinator
The program consists of two residential sessions in Prague, Czech Republic (5 working days each).
The team has at its disposal a modern editing room in the premises of newly renovated Studio FAMU and assigned tutor (editor/script consultant).
Lost in Paradise
Evžen Žabrovský (38) neither has a family nor a secure income. Instead, he has founded his own music club in Prague, the city his father emigrated from in 1968 to escape Communism. His life seems ...
Ivo Trajkov
Czech Republic / North Macedonia
Ivo Trajkov is a director, producer, film editor, screenwriter and story editor. He was born in Skopje, Macedonia and graduated from FAMU in Prague. His filmography as a director/screenwriter ...
Complete bio
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