Network / Projects


Participated in: MIDPOINT Series Launch 2024
Country: Georgia

A techno-club is a place where people find their freedom, but it's also a microcosm of society, where the truth belongs to the majority.

Salome, an amateur DJ, has a dream to access the techno club "Cathedral", which is considered to be an oasis of freedom from society that is dominated by hate and division. On her way to the club, she meets a resident DJ Helen, who becomes her best friend. "Cathedral" is organized like a religious institution. The pastor is Katie, who established the place and made a set of rules that everyone in the community should respect. Sandro is the main DJ and has the authority of a priest. The Illusion Room is the holy place where the Ten Commandments are displayed, while the dark room is confessional. The project seems utopian, but as soon as cracks appear, it starts to fall apart. Helen has a non-consensual sexual act with Sandro and when she realizes that the act could qualify as rape. She sees the community take the side of the aggressor in order to save their reputation. Only Salome, who believes in her, insists on pursuing the truth. As many flaws as the community might have, the outside world is much worse. Therefore Helen decides to "forget what happened", in order to stay in the club, rather than be kicked out. Salome is left as the only character, who would question the hypocrisy of the "Cathedral".

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